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Kindergarten Registration is open!


Attention all Parents/Guardians of Incoming Kindergartners:

The Vivian E. Hussey School Kindergarten Registration is online

and screening will be held on April 25, 26 and 27th.

Please go to to fill out registration paperwork. Please have your child's birth certificate, immunization records and proof of residency(tax bill, recent utility bill or recent rent receipt - P.O. Boxes and drivers licenses are NOT considered proof of residency)

ready to upload. At the end of the online registration forms, you will be prompted to contact the school to make an appointment for your child to be screened. Please note that screening will take approximately one hour, and children should wear sneakers or comfortable shoes to screening.

NO child will be able to start school without all of the required documentation. Children MUST reside in Berwick with their legal guardian(s). District policy prohibits children staying with non-custodial relatives to attend school in our district.

Your child must turn 5 by October 15, 2022 to attend Kindergarten for the school year 2022-2023. NO exceptions can be made for children born after this date, as mandated by Maine state law.

Pass the word! If you know of anyone in your neighborhood with a child who will be ready to start kindergarten in September, please let them know about our registration and screening.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. 207-698-4465

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you soon!



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